Marion Lang

Rhodes College

Project maintained by ml8 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Inclusive Computing Resources

This is a collection of resources, organizations, and articles with a variety of foci, but all related to responsible, ethical, and inclusive CS, including increasing and supporting reprentation in the discipline. This is a list of things that I’ve read/collected, so it is by no means exhaustive or complete. I am also not an expert on these topics, so this is likely to be a shallow/incomplete view.

Included in this list are organizations related to activism as well as resources for building a more diverse and inclusive community of computer scientists.

Many resources are intersectional, so the category labels might not be the most apt.

This collection will grow over time. Right now (11-25-20), this is just an initial dump of some things I’ve been looking at recently.

Please feel free to add/edit this list. Pull requests are welcome.


Tech & …

Social Justice/Social Good Jobs

Open Source Activism





Fairness & Privacy


Conferences & Professional Organizations